BinarX – Binar in High Schools
In space
The BinarX program sees West Australian students design and prototype science payloads for the Binar cubesat, and then build those projects for launch on-orbit with the Binar Space Program at Curtin University.
Payload concepts will be directed by students and teachers, but might include sensors to study earth and space environment, samples for testing in microgravity, or samples for testing in a vacuum. They may also include a software-only payload running on Binar’s flight computer.

On Earth
Students will access their results using amateur band radio, either at Curtin or through other ground stations participating in the open source SatNOGS network.
As part of the program, students and teachers will also construct and operate their own SatNOGS ground station to gain a better understanding of radio communications and contribute back to the SatNOGS community.
As the program progresses, BinarX will guide teachers and students through obtaining radio licenses and installing amateur radio equipment in their schools. This will allow them to communicate with their satellite payload directly, and connect with the rest of the global amateur satellite community.

In the community
We’ve been building BinarX with our pilot schools – John Curtin College of the Arts and Joseph Banks Secondary College – but we’ve made all our work public for other schools and students to follow along. Thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of our pilot schools and their communities, we are excited to have expanded the program to an additional 7 WA secondary schools starting in 2024! Progress updates, teaching resources, and full instructions on building a payload for the Binar platform are available on the BinarX YouTube page.
If you’re a WA high school student or teacher interested in joining future intakes of the BinarX program, drop us your contact details below, and we will send you any updates on future intakes or other BinarX activities!